The Difficult Unity of the Mediterranean in the Works and Expeditions of Bory de Saint-Vincent (1778-1846)


  • Carlos Cañete Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y del Oriente Próximo (CCHS-CSIC), Madrid



Bory de Saint-Vincent, Mediterranean, Scientific-Military Expeditions, Anthropology, History of knowledge


For a long time consigned to oblivion, the figure of the soldier and naturalist Bory de Saint-Vincent has been during recent years the subject of a renewed but timid interest. This recovery is justified especially for his role as leader of the French missions in the Morea and Algeria, which replicated the military-scientific model that started in Egypt. Indeed, this leadership and the works of anthropology or botany that he produced as a result are now considered key elements in the process of construction of a modern unitary representation of the Mediterranean. These recent contributions, however, often do not consider other of his works that offer a much more complex and contradictory image of his thought. This article offers a review of recent interpretation by giving examples of his works on the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands. It aims to show his representation of the Mediterranean not as a homogeneous and linear process but as the result of an ambivalent approach that led to both a unitary image and a simultaneous internal differentiation of the region.


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How to Cite

Cañete, C. (2012). The Difficult Unity of the Mediterranean in the Works and Expeditions of Bory de Saint-Vincent (1778-1846). Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 1(2), m105.


