Rewriting Classical Myths: Women's Voices in “Los motivos de Circe” and “Penélope” by Lourdes Ortiz


  • Nuria Morgado College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, City University of New York



Mythological representations, Feminism, Feminist Narrative, Subversion, Parody, Postmodernism, Gender


The purpose of this article is to explore the mythical representations in two of the six short stories that make up Lourdes Ortiz's Voces de mujer (2007), previously published under the title Los motivos de Circe. It is well known that most rewritings of the classical myths have been faithful to the “official truth” of the original versions. But recent works in search of other meanings, have explored dimensions often hidden or blurred by the “official” version. This is the case of the short stories in this collection whose protagonists are six archetypal or mythical women and their respectful references to the biblical, Homeric and pictorial world: Eve, Circe, Penelope, Betsabé, Salomé and Gioconda. The perspective offered by Lourdes Ortiz about the history of these myths allows us to read the story from the point of view of her female heroines. As such, then, in this article I will focus on two female characters from the Homeric epic: Circe and Penelope.


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How to Cite

Morgado, N. (2013). Rewriting Classical Myths: Women’s Voices in “Los motivos de Circe” and “Penélope” by Lourdes Ortiz. Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 2(1), e014.


