Race as a weapon: defending the colonial plantation order in the name of civilization, 1791-1850


  • Consuelo Naranjo Orovio Instituto de Historia-CSIC
  • José F. Buscaglia Northeastern University




Saint-Domingue, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain, slavery, race, racialism, civilization, barbarity, fear, terror, genocide


The object of this study is to analyze the use and adaptation of racialist ideology in the Afro-Hispanic Antilles following the start of the Revolution of Saint-Domingue in 1791, as it evolved to justify and reinforce plantation slavery and served to reinstitute and police the color line that was the central ideological premise supporting the economy of exchange and exploitation in the world of Atlantic coloniality. The renewed stigmatization of the racialized types in Creole population aimed to limit the echoes of the revolution against the plantation and it was an attempt to dismiss its political significance as a movement of self-emancipation and decolonization. The fear promoted by the colonial authorities, the planter class and Creole intellectuals, liberal and otherwise, aimed to establish a delicate balance between terror and profits wanting to justify the continuation of plantation slavery through the purposeful resemantization of the ideological tandem civilization/barbarity based on a racialized reading of history that championed European immigration and the systematic reduction of the population of Afro-descendants.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Orovio, C., & Buscaglia, J. F. (2015). Race as a weapon: defending the colonial plantation order in the name of civilization, 1791-1850. Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 4(2), e012. https://doi.org/10.3989/chdj.2015.012



Dossier Part I - Racialism and/as history