Geographies of Origin and Proximity: Approaches to Local Agro-Food Systems


  • Javier Sanz-Cañada Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography (IEGD). Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  • José Muchnik Until 2013 French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). Department of Science for Action and Development (SAD)/ UMR Innovation



identity-based foods, terroir, territorial anchorage, local governance, knowledge, local networks, America, Europe


The present paper aims to provide a critical review with respect to the literature on Local Agro-Food Systems (LAFS) in America and Europe over the last two decades, devoted to investigating the geographies of the relationships between territory and identity-based food products. In studies on LAFS, the concept of origin of food products is based upon a historical and bio-cultural analysis of food identity. Debates on territorial anchorage focus on the causal factors —natural, cultural and socio-economic— that a distinctive territory imprints on the specific attributes of identity-based foods. Moreover, the notion of geographical and organisational proximity aligns with a socio-cultural and economic approach to collective action aiming at rural development. A LAFS implies a certain spatial density and a network of mutually cooperating farms, firms and institutions, specialised in producing and marketing an identity-based food product, what can in turn be used to valorise the food identity both on the markets and also by contributing to the creation of common and public goods. A transdisciplinary view is required both for comprehending the emergence and evolution over centuries of the identity-based foods and also for understanding the role they play in constructing more sustainable rural development in the future.


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How to Cite

Sanz-Cañada, J., & Muchnik, J. (2016). Geographies of Origin and Proximity: Approaches to Local Agro-Food Systems. Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 5(1), e002.


