Poster Gallery

Asunción Gaudens

Independent Web designer

Jorge Morales


Since its conception, the seminar Rastros y rostros de la violencia/Faces and Traces of Violence has been associated with the development of an aesthetic proposal best expressed in its very recognizable posters designed to represent each conference and in the webpage related to the broader research project ( This conceptually charged visual project, which runs parallel to the project and accompanies the seminar’s academic development, is the original creation of Asunción “Chun” Gaudens who, until her death in March 2013, was our webmaster and graphic designer. These unique creations have widely circulated in cyberspace and in the new media, particularly through email lists, our Website, and our Facebook profile. They have become a steady monthly presence in the CCHS-CSIC research center. Most participants in the seminar have contributed to the making of their own posters by suggesting and providing appropriate images, and all of them have taken one of the displayed posters home with them as a sort of “institutional gift” after their respective conferences. In June 2013, CCHS-CSIC visual designer Jorge Morales took on the task of continuing and developing the seminar’s public face by designing the new posters with great sensibility. This poster gallery pays homage to the memory of Chun – the true creative spirit and reflexive mind behind this original and, to us, priceless, visual project.