Beyond the borders. Ahmed Hassan Mattar and his activism between Africa and South America




Anti-imperialism, Abd el-Krim, Communist International, Journalism, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Arab communities


The biography of Ahmed Hassan Mattar expressed the multiple identity lines assumed by those revolutionary cadres of the first decades of the 20th century, who emerged in a colonial and neocolonial world and developed their political activity in different settings and distant spheres of their own culture. The story of A. H. Mattar is, therefore, that of a militant and journalist of Sudanese origin who developed his political work in Africa, especially in Morocco, together with Abd el-Krim, the warlord of the Rif, as well as in European countries such as France and Germany, once incorporated into the Communist International. However, it would be in South America, in countries like Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, where he would stand out not only in anti-imperialist struggles but also as a chronicler and community leader of communities of Arab origin, even producing original empirical and statistical research. In sum, Mattar’s course can be seen as that of an activist who understood the social reality of a certain time and who assumed politics as a commitment to fight against colonialism and imperialism.


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How to Cite

Kersffeld, D. . (2022). Beyond the borders. Ahmed Hassan Mattar and his activism between Africa and South America. Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 11(2), e025.


