Between Tradition and Evangelisation: Marriage Ritualisation on Colonial and Contemporary Bioko Island




Equatorial Guinea, Bubis, Colonisation-evangelisation, Identity, Marriage and ritual kinship links, Spirit-husband


The start of the 20th century on Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea) coincides with the expansion of Spanish colonisation. Around 1910, the intense process of “Hispanicisation” began, totally disrupting native Bubi society. The colonial government, together with the intense evangelisation carried out on the island by the Catholic Church, weakened and modified Bubi power structures. Colonialism also provoked important changes in Bubi family structure and the evangelising mission was, fundamentally, directed toward controlling and transforming marriage practices. This text analyses how the loss of the political function of the Bubi chieftainships affected marriage practices and examines the other variables that influenced these changes and their effects on the present-day situation of Bubi women. Finally, the text explains how the practices and values that the evangelisation managed to introduce influenced the construction of Bubi ethnic identity.


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How to Cite

Fernández Moreno, N. . (2020). Between Tradition and Evangelisation: Marriage Ritualisation on Colonial and Contemporary Bioko Island. Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 9(2), e015.




Funding data

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Grant numbers HAR2015-63626-P