Nostalgia and Tourism: Narratives of Yucatán’s Tangible Heritage


  • Francisco Javier Fernández Repetto Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán



Chronological time, social time, anachronism, contested histories, modernity and historic cities


Tourism in Mexico plays an important role in the country’s economy. It represents almost a third of the foreign currency that is invested in the country (Banco de México, 2014). Remarkable pre-Hispanic sites, colonial cities that flourished during the colonial period, as well as those that did during the 19th century, are key to understanding the diverse touristy attractions that can be found all over Mexico. Two major and related events, in terms of strategy for touristic promotion are analyzed here. Firstly, the controversy about the recently built monument of the founding fathers of Merida, Francisco de Montejo el Adelantado and Francisco de Montejo el Mozo. Secondly, Merida’s historical downtown Centro Histórico’s development and the related project Haciendas del Mundo Maya derived from it. As I will argue, all these events are part of a an anachronic perspective that links Yucatán’s modernity to its glorious past, which have as their main goal the portrayal of Yucatán as being modern, yet anchored in its past and from this, the search to promote the State, both for tourists and locals, appealing to a sense of nostalgia as the main element of attraction.


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How to Cite

Fernández Repetto, F. J. (2015). Nostalgia and Tourism: Narratives of Yucatán’s Tangible Heritage. Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 4(2), e015.



Dossier Part II - Lifting the curse of coloniality