The image of a tamed landscape: dehesa through History in Spain
agroforestry system, ecosystem management, Mediterranean pasturelands, cultural landscapesAbstract
This paper focus on the difficulty of applying an apparently clear and transparent concept that refers to an emblematic Mediterranean historical and cultural landscape: the dehesa agroecosystem. This agroecosystem, named montado in Portugal, is located in the southwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula. Dehesa is a very evocative word; it is a concept that, besides, shows a great capacity to contain social values and sensibilities pertaining to the modern world (respect for the environment, quality in the production processes, biodiversity, cultural heritage). Nevertheless, the concept of dehesa is situated in undefined and confusing spaces, due to the fact that its multifunctional nature involving forestry, agriculture and livestock farming prevents it from being understood by the strict dichotomous categories relating to regulatory, ecological or production aspects. In this sense, there is such disconcertion that any proposal aimed at solving the challenges of the dehesa should reach a previous consensus regarding a more adjusted definition thereof, continuing the evolution of this historical concept.
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