Staging Oriental Delegations at the Habsburg Imperial Court in Prague (1600-1610)




Diplomatic ceremony, Foreign embassy to Imperial court, Rudolph II of Habsburg, Urban festivity, Persian embassy, Ottoman embassy, Rudolphinian Prague


Between 1600 and 1610-in the time when Prague was an imperial seat of Rudolph II of Habsburg -the city experienced an unusual viewing of several festive entries of foreigner legacies. In 1600, 1604 and 1609 three Persian delegations reached the Prague court in an attempt to coordinate military actions against the Ottomans. This gave an opportunity for a staged presentation of the court and city to the exotically-looking visitors. In return, Prague citizens, and particularly the nobles and the officials, had several opportunities to view, encounter and entertain the members of the legacies, who took an active part in Prague life. Their engagement sprung a number of textual and visual documents that testify to the interest of the European artists. The mixture of elements of the European festive culture merged with splendour, exotic garments and gifts of the oriental Islamic culture gave these meetings a particular character that reaffirmed the status of Prague as the imperial residence and capital city. The embassies’ adventi and receptions were an opportunity for festive trains moving through the urban and court space of Prague, with the routes and design of stops, landmarks, and architecture used as their symbolical framing.


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How to Cite

Horníčková, K. ., & Šroněk, M. . (2022). Staging Oriental Delegations at the Habsburg Imperial Court in Prague (1600-1610). Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 11(2), e019.




Funding data

Grantová Agentura České Republiky
Grant numbers GA17-11912S

H2020 European Research Council
Grant numbers 695515